MiniYogi Gbg is a small Gothenburg-based company which aim is to offer simple but effective tools
to support and promote loving relationships and wellbeing for the body and the mind
for children, new parents/parents-to-be and families.

I am a ODIS (Organisation for doulas in Sweden) certified birth and postpartum doula & member of Doulas of Gothenburg , a network of 4 doulas aiming to give both Swedish and international families the best start as a newborn family. Native French speaker, I am fluent in Swedish and English and take doula assignments in any of those languages. As a registered nurse I work at the maternity ward at Östra sjukhuset in Gothenburg.
As a doula, my aim is that you – parents and parents to be- feel listened to, supported, and empowered during the wonderful and vulnerable journey that having a baby and becoming parents is. Moreover, as a yoga teacher specialised in pregnancy/postpartum and children, ”Confident Birth” (Föda utan rädsla) and Baby massage instructor (IAIM) and Peristeam facilitator (Steamy chick) focused on the perinatal period, I want to give you simple tools to be used in everyday life to contribute to your and your baby’s physical and emotional wellbeing.
Note that a doula has no medical responsibility but is a continuous informational, physical, practical and emotional support for you, your partner and the baby during the whole perinatal period (pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum).
Interesting links about what a doula's role and misson are:
What is a doula? DONA International
Birth doulas are misunderstood. Here's what we actually do. TheWeek.com
How does it work?
No matter what kind of support you are thinking of, our first contact will usually be through email or phone. The next step is to plan a first meeting (ca 45 minuts) in a neutral place (café or library), or at your home after birth. This first meeting is a free of charge and commitment free. You can tell me what you plan and your expectations are, and I can tell you how I work and what I can offer during your journey towards parenthood. Moreover you have time to assess our personal chemistry/ if you feel we are a good match.
Ideally we get in touch by mid-pregnancy, but that can happen later on. For postpartum assignment, it can either be during pregnancy, after birth or whenever you feel the need of up to ca 3 months postpartum.
Birth preparation & Birth doula support
Doula effect
Studies show that the presence and support of a doula has a positive effect on the birth experience for the labouring woman and her birth partner, as well as on the length of labor. It also reduces the need of medical pain relief as well as the probability of a c-section birth.
Packages & Prices
PRENATAL Classic 3 500kr
This package is for the mom/parents-to-be who want a birth preparation tailored to their needs, but do not want doula support during the actual childbirth.
It includes 2 prenatal visits of 3 hours each at your home during which we talk about the process of childbirth, the importance of support, hospital routines, mental and physical preparation, pain & pain management (non-medical and medical) and of the first hours with your newborn.
As planning for the 4th trimester makes a huge difference, I will give give tools and ideas on how to plan for it in order to make this transition as smooth as possible for your whole newborn family.
PRENATAL Plus 12 000kr
This package includes the birth preparation meetings (as described above in PRENATAL Classic), an on-call readiness 2 weeks before your estimated due-date and until labor starts, my presence from the active phase of labor and until your baby is born & a 2 hour follow-up postnatal visit.
PRENATAL Premium 15 000 kr
In this package, you have everything from PRENATAL Plus (see description above)
+ a private Föda Utan Rädsla** OR in Ballon-forme course*** (2-3 timmar)
+ 2 private prenatal yoga classes in the comfort of your home (before/after our planned visits)
+ free TENS rental during your pregnancy week 38-42 (if available)
+ extras from different cultures/traditions so that you, the mother-to-be, feel taken care of and celebrated on your journey to to motherhood.
**Swedish coping birth method created by Susanna Heli work (more info here) and how to practically use its 4 tools for the labouring mom and her partner. Recommended from week 26.
*** Ballon-form is a Canadian birth preparation with the birth ball as a the main tool. Because of the use of movement and gravity, it speeds up the labor process, ease the pain and last but not least gives back its true role and importance to the birth partner.
Having your own quality birth ball is necessary. The ball's size depends on the mom-to-be's length (1,55-1,77m: 55cm ball , shorter than 1,55m: 45cm ball, taller than 1,77m: 65cm ball). Link to the Swedish website selling the brand recommended by Ballon-forme and used in European hospitals.
For all birth preparations and/or the birth doula package, once you have paid, you can use your "friskvårdsbidrag" to get a refund. Both parents-to-be can do it.
Postpartum doula support
Certification through Om Baby & Maternité sacrée.
Information, non-judgmental presence and practical, physical and emotional support according to your needs and preferences during the whole 4th trimester- the 3 months following the birth of your child- is the mission of the postpartum doula.
As for childbirth, preparation, understanding what's happening and adequate support is crucial for a postpartum as smooth as possible for the whole newborn family. So ideally you would contact your postpartum doula already during pregnancy.
When baby is here, postpartum support includes help and tips for postpartum care of the mother and the baby, newborn care so that the newborn mother can take care of her own basic needs (eat, sleep, shower) and/or older siblings, help for baby wearing, feeding support (breastfeeding and/or bottle feeding), simple meal preparation and light housekeeping/cleaning. Moreover I can offer premium support that includes postnatal yoga, IAIM baby massage (requires at least 4 sessions), belly binding, peristeam/yonisteam, bath, massage, etc to promote the newborn's mother wellbeing and healing process.
Packages & Prices:
Note that you have the possibility to use your "RUT avdrag" (tax deduction) for a part of the amount AND Friskvårdsbidrag for for a part of the packages including postnatal yoga classes.
POSTPARTUM Classic / 3 500kr
1 hour long online meeting to create your postpartum plan & 2 home visits of 3,5 hour each to be spread throughout the 4th trimester according to your needs. During one of our meetings, you also have the possibility to discover either postnatal peristeam/yonisteam OR belly binding.
POSTPARTUM Plus / 12 000kr
1 hour long online meeting to create your postpartum plan & 6 home visits of 3,5 hour each to be spread throughout the 4th trimester according to your needs.
* peristeam/yonisteam (more info here) OR belly binding for 30 days
* a private babymassage course (IAIM) including massage oil and manual
* 1 private postnatal yoga class
+ extras from different cultures/traditions so that you, the newborn mother, keep feeling taken care of and celebrated on this second part of you journey into motherhood- meaning with baby outside your womb.
POSTPARTUM Premium /15 000kr
1 hour long online meeting to create your postpartum plan & 8 home visits of 3,5 hour each to be spread throughout the 4th trimester according to your needs. Moreover this package includes:
* peristeam/yonisteam (more info here) AND belly binding for 30 days
* a private babymassage course (IAIM) including massage oil and manual
* 2 private postnatal yoga classes
+ extras from different cultures/traditions so that you, the newborn mother, keep feeling taken care of and celebrated on this second part of you journey into motherhood- meaning with baby outside your womb.